Thing # 21 Googoo For Google

Now, I've been a Google fan from the beginning, and they keep putting tools out that may it hard to hate them. In this "thing" I decided to use a tool that I had not used before and that was google alerts. Now, considering my relationship with my iPhone, I am always looking for the latest update, app, or rumor and Google Alerts allow for anything iPhone related that takes place in the industry come directly to my iPhone. Talking about taking care of yourself! Thus far, I have received messages regarding the new voice option on the iPhone, along with alerts from the Dallas Morning News and Wall Street Journal regarding competitors inability to keep up with the iPhone.

Then from my iPhone, I tried the new application for Google Earth. The updated version takes your current location and zooms you in as if you were gliding like an airplane. I enjoyed being able to locate different addresses and looking a street view images, however, what I enjoyed most was that the application kept track of my other location pinpoints and allowed me to see my current position in reference to where I have been.

My desktop is saved to iGoogle. When I turn my computer on, I have it set to automatically open Firefox and my iGoogle page pops up with my favorite widgets. I can check my gmail, the newspaper headlines, and latest sports stories from ESPN all from the same page. The sweet thing about it that all the information is catered to my interest because I choose exactly what I want to see and I only get that information. So, yea.. I google... do you?

1 comment:

maryw said...

What did we ever do before Google?! :-)