Thing # 16

Yes you are right... I should have known that books were coming. I'm just surprised that it took so long. However, LibraryThing is pretty cool. I normally keep a list of books that I have read or suggested books for my students on our class website ( However, LibraryThing gives those books that I suggest more life. LibraryThing allows for a web of books that are connected in some way or another to the book that I may have suggested, thus giving a wider range of options for readers interested initially in the book I chose, or for those who would enjoy reading more books similar to what they have just read. My meager recommendations can only go so far. The social network aspect of LibrayThing is pretty cool also. Student's can easily form book clubs based on common interest. I have helped 4th grade set up some technology uses in reading and one of the projects was to interview a character using garageband. The difficulty in this was we did not have enough variety of characters to interview because we did not have a means of polling everyone to find out every type of book read by students in the class. Well, using LibraryThing would provide all that information if students were members. However, the best feature for me was the opportunity to finding the information from LibraryThing on my mobile phone. How many times have I gone into Barnes and Nobles and forgotten the title or genre of the book that someone just suggested for me? By this alone, I'm convinced and will become a member.

Thanks 23 Things.

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